Streaming: Stream your favorite music in real time

Por: Renan

Streaming to and fro! In recent years this word has become very famous, and it is common to see it everywhere. But do you know what it means?

When we researched its meaning, we found: “Technology for transmitting data over the internet, mainly audio and video, without the need to download the content. The file, which can be a video or a song, is accessed online by the user.”

I don’t know if you remember, but in the past, to watch videos or listen to music on your cell phone, you had to go through a whole procedure. We had to download what we wanted to see or listen to on our cell phones. In addition to being time-consuming, the cell phone’s memory, which wasn’t all that great, was full in a short time. Surely at some time you had to get rid of some photos in order to be able to download some music. The audio files were quite heavy and took up a lot of the phone’s storage.

Currently, with this new service, in a few clicks we have access to an infinity of quality content and without having to download anything to our smartphone. From rock to pop, hip hop, classical, and more. We can find everything!

Definitely, the streaming service offers a lot of benefits. Do you want to know a little bit more? Keep reading and learn more!

Music Streaming App: Enjoy a vast music library on your smartphone

There is no doubt that music streaming apps have revolutionized the music industry and transformed listening habits. Listening to music has never been so simple!

As mentioned above, it is no longer necessary to download any music to our smartphone. Just enter the app and choose what you want to listen to. So easy!

We can access a vast music library and even create personalized playlists with our favorite songs. There are millions of tracks for all tastes.

And when it comes to this type of service, surely, Spotify is the most popular. This platform is the world leader in online music, and already has more than 400 million active users worldwide. And it is available for Android and iOS systems.

High Quality Music Streaming: Listen to your favorite songs with superior sound quality

In addition to the ease that we now have to listen to any type of music, we cannot fail to mention that the sound quality is much higher than in the past. When listening to our favorite songs we can have a better listening experience with high quality sound.

Most of the most renowned music apps on the market have free and paid plans. In the paid version, the user can have access to more features, it does not contain advertisements in the middle of the tracks, and of course the sound quality is superior.

But even so, even in the free plans, you can access millions of tracks and playlists of your favorite genre and have high sound quality.

Download Songs for Offline Listening: Save songs for offline listening without interruptions or data usage

Some of the most used platforms today for listening to music offer an offline mode. For this, the user must first download the tracks he wants or even his favorite playlist.

When the songs are saved in the application, just enter the library, choose the one you want to listen to and press play! So you can listen wherever and whenever you want without needing an internet connection.

Remembering that the songs are only saved in the application, so they do not take up space in the cell phone memory. Therefore, they cannot be shared with other people or listened to on other platforms.In most cases, this service is only available to users who have paid plans, but there is a really good app called SoundCloud. It’s totally free and lets you download the tracks to listen to them offline later. It can be found on the Google Store and the App Store.

Postado e revisado Renan Apps em 24/05/23
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